This blog will describe CAS activities done by IB - students at Nyborg Gymnasium and Projekt Frivillig Activities by all students

Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Julemarked 6 - 8 december
Remember to come and visit the students from Nyborg Gymnasium at the Christmas market in Nyborg the comming weekend. They will be selling all kinds of delicious christmas snacks to raise money for Julemærkehjemmet.
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Monday, 28 October 2013
Project trip to Uganda 2013 - a unique experience
In August 2013, I went on a project trip to Uganda,
together with two other youngsters and our leader. We spent 14 days there to
start a new project. This project focuses on improving the structure of an
organisation called Straight Talk Foundation (STF). STF is an organisation that
has around 800 clubs all over Uganda. The aim of STF is to teach young Ugandans
about issues such as sex education. There are many myths in Uganda about
different sexual diseases, and therefore many Ugandans do not know what the
diseases actually consist of, which is quite a serious problem.
This is what STF is trying to avoid by teaching the young Ugandans about the reality of, for instance, sexual diseases. However, the structure of STF is very insufficient, which has led to the collapsing of approximately 500 clubs during the last two years. Therefore, the project that we are now working on, is to improve the structure of STF to, among other things, avoid clubs from collapsing.
During the first week in Uganda, we travelled to Pakwach, which is in Northern Uganda, and to Bushia, which is in Eastern Uganda. Here we visited different STF clubs, to get an idea of how they keep their clubs running and how effective they are. In all of the 11 clubs that we visited, we experienced this enormous happiness and gratefulness from the youngsters, because of what they have gained from being a part of a Straight Talk club.
The second week was spend in Kampala at Namboole High School, where the bootcamp was held. Three representatives from eight different regions attended the bootcamp. The aim of this bootcamp was to teach the representatives how to guide other Straight Talk Clubs and create new clubs. By doing so, the structure of STF will be improved, and less clubs will collapse.
The experience and knowledge I have gained from my trips to Uganda and from being a part of the danish organization "Slænget" is simply unique.
Group picture with one of the Straight Talk Clubs in Pakwach |
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Tender Talents Magnet School performed a show for us |
This is what STF is trying to avoid by teaching the young Ugandans about the reality of, for instance, sexual diseases. However, the structure of STF is very insufficient, which has led to the collapsing of approximately 500 clubs during the last two years. Therefore, the project that we are now working on, is to improve the structure of STF to, among other things, avoid clubs from collapsing.
During the first week in Uganda, we travelled to Pakwach, which is in Northern Uganda, and to Bushia, which is in Eastern Uganda. Here we visited different STF clubs, to get an idea of how they keep their clubs running and how effective they are. In all of the 11 clubs that we visited, we experienced this enormous happiness and gratefulness from the youngsters, because of what they have gained from being a part of a Straight Talk club.
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Energizer during the bootcamp: "Åh boogie-boogie-boogie" |
The experience and knowledge I have gained from my trips to Uganda and from being a part of the danish organization "Slænget" is simply unique.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Handball coach?? are you the next?
Jeg ved, at I på Nyborg Gymnasium har en gruppe elever der gerne vil udføre en del frivilligt arbejde. Her er det, jeg vil høre, om I har nogle unge, der gerne vil være håndboldtrænere/hjælpere i vores lille klub Vindinge Boldklub Håndbold.
Vi har børnehold fra de helt små (U4) og op til U12 (dvs årgang 2001-01). Her vil vi meget gerne have hjælp og vi er sikre på, at hvis blot engagementet er der så skal vi nok lære de unge lidt om håndboldtræningen, hvis ikke de i forvejen kender til det.
Vi har hjemme i Vindingehallen; Skolevej 15B ca 5 km fra Nyborg centrum (ved Vindinge skole). Som udgangspunkt træner vi om tirsdagen og torsdagen (alt efter hvilke årgange der er tale om) og så spilles der kampe primært om søndagen.
Om de unge kan/vil deltage til alle træninger/kampe eller kun nogle af dem kan vi sagtens aftale individuelt.
I forvejen har vi to trænere hos os der pt. går på STX i Nyborg.
Håber at høre fra jer og ser frem til at se nye ansigter i trænerstaben J
Venlig hilsen
Kristina Kronborg
Vindinge Boldklub Håndbol
Danish Refugee Council = Dansk Flygtningehjælp
Bliv ambassadør for Nyborg Gymnasium
Mød dem på skolen på fredag den 4. okt
Mød dem på skolen på fredag den 4. okt
Humor against AIDS needs you!
Som Agent for Humor mod Aids skal du hjælpe AIDS-Fondet med at rekruttere frivillige blandt dine medstuderende.
Humor mod Aids en årligt tilbagevendende kampagne fra AIDS-Fondet, som støtter unge hiv-smittede i Danmark og Ukraine. Hvert år i ugen omkring d. 1. april drager tusindvis af frivillige ud for at sælge røde næser.
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Danish Championship in Team triathlon - help is needed in Ringe!
August 31st you are needed by Nyborg minitri.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Save the Children
Go and collect for Save the Children at September 1st 2013 - join on their web page!
You will be contributing to stopping violence against kids in Sierra Leone
Go and collect for Save the Children at September 1st 2013 - join on their web page!
You will be contributing to stopping violence against kids in Sierra Leone
Monday, 5 August 2013
Every year tens of thousands of Danish high-school students give a day of their education in order to raise funds for an education project in the developing world.
On that day - the Dagsvaerk Day - students take on all kinds of ordinary and extraordinary jobs for a day. Some do a day's work in a factory; others take inventory, tidy up old archives or do cleaning work for companies or in private homes. Some make money busking or selling coffee as street vendors while others tour kindergartens performing children’s theatre shows written by the students. Some work as babysitters and others do odd jobs in private homes. All of these activities are directed at one common goal: to raise money to ensure that young people in the developing countries receive an education.
Who are we?
Operation Dagsvaerk (litteraly: Operation a Day's Work) is not a traditional relief organization. We want to challenge the popular media image of people in the developing world. We want to show that people in the developing world have dreams and hopes as well as human resources to match. They deserve a chance to put their resources to use and realize their dreams. Public awareness of the developing world is low while knowledge is scarce and littered with prejudices.
Operation Dagsvaerk (litteraly: Operation a Day's Work) is not a traditional relief organization. We want to challenge the popular media image of people in the developing world. We want to show that people in the developing world have dreams and hopes as well as human resources to match. They deserve a chance to put their resources to use and realize their dreams. Public awareness of the developing world is low while knowledge is scarce and littered with prejudices.
A crucial element in Operation Dagsvaerk's campaigns is to inform the Danish youth of the challenges and problems facing the projects country as well as the historical, cultural and religious context within which they exist. The campaigns consist of a three-month educational process leading up to the Dagsvaerk Day fundraising.
Operation Dagsvaerk produce educational materials and arrange educational events as an alternative to conventional teaching methods in the Danish high-school system. The quality of the teaching material is ensured thanks to the assistance of teachers and scholars who place their vast knowledge at the disposal of Operation Dagsvaerk. The aim is to engage the students in discussions and debate on issues concerning developing countries while motivating the students to participate actively on the Dagsvaerk Day.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Nyborg minitri needs you!!
Nyborg Minitri-athlon is on august 10 2013
They need people to:
take part in an info meeting
put up the area for the mini-triathlon: swimming route, boking route and running route
be officials at the day of the triathlon - to help contestants to find the way etc.
lifeguards (if anyone has the skill)
help with foods
help taking down everything again afterwards
the timeframe is
infomeeting 1 - 11/2 hours
and at the day of the arrangement (August 10) from app. 6 am - 2 or 3 pm.
You Can contact
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Humour against AIDS April 1 -8
Maybe you already know HUmour against AIDS and the red noses?
It is all about you gathering a winnerteam with max 10 persons, who shall try to get support for young HIV patients in Denmark and Ukraine. It is up to you how you will do it - as long as the red nose is included!
You are supposed to sell as many noses as possible from april 1 - 8. 2013
The team that get's the most money also wins cinematickets!
When you have joined in the AIDS foundation will send you the red noses, collecting boxes, flyers etc.
Monday, 18 March 2013
School for life NG 22/3 5.00 pm
School for life - Friday 22/3 at 17.00 in the cantine at Nyborg Gymnasium.
For two years IB students at NG have been making school material and game boards to a boardingschool in India.
Come and hear from 3 volunteers who will tell us about their stay at the school in India.
There are 115 kids at the school, and app. half of these kids come from families with huge economical difficulties. Without help from outside these kids would not go to school.
For two years IB students at NG have been making school material and game boards to a boardingschool in India.
Come and hear from 3 volunteers who will tell us about their stay at the school in India.
There are 115 kids at the school, and app. half of these kids come from families with huge economical difficulties. Without help from outside these kids would not go to school.
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Go collect!
Didn´t sign up for the Danish Chuch aid collection Sun. 10th March ? - You can still do it :
here :
or call Ingrid Juul 65 31 27 13
or show op on the day at 10 at Korsbrødregården ( beside the churh in the center of town)
here :
or call Ingrid Juul 65 31 27 13
or show op on the day at 10 at Korsbrødregården ( beside the churh in the center of town)
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Need to practice your tutoring skills?
We need af few IB students who could learn something from speaking English in small groups with som HF students - if you are interrested - contact Tia in Lectio!
Thursday, 31 January 2013
The AIDS Foundation are looking for agents to encourage others to join the campaign against AIDS
AIDS-Fondet søger agenter til en storstilet hvervekampagne i forbindelse med Humor mod Aids kampagnen 2013. Vi giver en weekend på højskole med alt betalt!
Space science
Dear CAS coordinator and IB students
Some of the IB CAS
students at Grenaa Gymnasium and IB World School are interested in space
science and would like to collect money - primarily at our school - for the
Danish space program called Copenhagen Suborbitals. I write this letter to
inquire if there are other IB students here in Denmark who would like to
participate in this project as a part of their own CAS activities.
Suborbitals is the only open source space program in the world. It is financed
by donations and sponsorships only. Today 678 private persons, primarily
engineers and private enthusiasts, pay 100 kr/month for economic support. There
are also companies and financially resourceful private persons who assist with
one-time donations or with specialized equipment for rocket and space craft production.
It took some time
before the organization got the respect it deserves but today it receives
global attention. With sufficient support Copenhagen Suborbitals may very well have
the world’s by far cheapest rocket launch system ready in about 5-10 years. If
this happens the implied economic paradigm shift will revolutionize the space
launch business and make it possible for universities and high schools to be
involved in actual space science.
The IB students of
today will therefore most likely even benefit from this service themselves – if
they are interested in studying space related subjects or even working in the future
space industry. If for no other reason the space industry is globally known to
be a solid engine for economic growth.
Organization homepage:
Sketch of the world’s first open source space rocket:
The guy who is in charge of building the rocket has already
built the world’s largest amateur submarine:
Prototype of the
world’s first amateur liquid propellant rocket engine:
Testing the launch
escape system (LES) for the future space capsule:
Example of their
smaller rocket launches used to develop the technology:
Launch of their
biggest rocket yet:
For those who live near Copenhagen there
will be a huge rocket engine test 11th November:
If you are interested in this IB CAS
initiative and want to participate please contact me on mail address I will establish contact between you
and some of our CAS students here at Grenaa Gymnasium and IB World School.
Best regards,
Jens Toft
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